7-Day Clean Eating Challenge

Clean eating is fun. It doesn’t have to be complicated or stressful. Sometimes you need a grocery list, other times everything that you need is right in front of you and you’re just over-complicating it.

This week I’m creating a challenge that will start next Monday, 2/8. You will have this entire week to eat clean and prepare for next week. The goal here is to create better habits so that you can lead a healthier and happier life.
I created a realistic list of veggies, fruit and meats that you most likely already have at home. Pick one of each and voila! (I just love saying that!) Juice for dinner to get your night-time fast on, and you’re good to go.

This challenge is all about creating better habits. When you eat junk, your body starts to crave junk. Even having a Cobb salad may taste disgusting to you (to me it’s pure heaven and a lot of calories, but healthier than a burger and fries). You get my drift right?

I know a woman who has a diet Mountain Dew three to four times a day. Some people think “well it’s diet though!” Well there’s nothing clean about it THOUGH!

Eating clean does not involved packaged foods. Even salad dressings are easy to whip up at home. We will show you what to freeze, how to prepare it, and all it’s free. Our New Year’s gift to you. Better late than never. You can thank me later 😉

7 days of clean eating. Are you down? If you would like to join the challenge please inbox us at Fitlife.Inbox@gmail.com. We would love to hear about your current diet and what your goals. The plan will go out on Friday so that you have all weekend to do groceries and prepare. Do it with a friend and accountability partner!

It’s still early enough in the year, but summer will always be around the corner 🙂

Happy Monday!



Disclaimer: Recipes, wellness tips and nutrition advice is not meant to treat or cure any medical condition or disease. Always consult with your doctor about your personal health and wellness. All reviews are strictly personal opinion. Always do your own research on products and companies before using a product you find on the internet. Fit Life Society does not claim responsibility for any of the recipes, products, restaurants or companies discussed on this site. All blog content is for entertainment purposes only.

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